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Identity Map Relief

In progress picture

Final piece

"Confined but Not Limited"
paper, foam, glue, pins
9. 5" by 23"

Artist Statement - 

For this piece I wanted to capture the feeling of an art gallery back home that I volunteer at. This space is very intimate and personal. Each work of art is positioned very close to one another throughout the gallery. When standing in one corner of the gallery, one is able to clearly see the entire rest of the space with ease. This is a cozy place that contains many mutually toned colors with the occasional pop of color provided by a piece of work. 

I chose to make this particular space out of paper for the intentions of creating a structured, non-organic flow of the place. Since the space I am demonstrating is an art gallery, there are many similarly shaped structures and layout of the building. I origami folded 16 boxes all mutually colored to give this space a calming flow. The boxes represent the wall space inside of the gallery. Each wall space is constantly changing pieces in which it holds, so the different colors represent the newness and freshness of each piece. Always keeping it interesting. The 3 folded sheets of paper represent the massive rugs that are in the gallery. The rugs give the gallery the intimate feel by taking up a massive amount of space, making one feel more comfortable in the gallery rather than how galleries normally feel. The colored paper backing is to represent the amount of light that enters the building. The pink and yellow side is where the entrance is, so it is well lit up by the natural sunlight. As you move towards the back of the gallery, shadows form, making this space less accessible to sunlight. 

Research - 


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